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This PDF (17 pages w/active links, 8.2 MB) contains 6 fun, hands-on ​art projects: supply lists, instructions, photos, and video tutorial links.  These six engaging, hands-on art projects are aligned to overlapping subsets of the TK/Pre-K Common Core Visual Arts Standards. Your students advance towards mastery of the full Standards by completing multiple art projects plus the included visual art activities. Working collaboratively they'll


  • Envision, design and create their own, real works of art.

  • Consider where and why art is put on display.

  • Identify places, perhaps unexpected, where art can be found in their local environment.

  • Begin interpreting ​art​ ​by identifying and describing subject matter.

  • Have fun.


You'll have fun as well as you guide your students through creating their own art, supported by written guidelines, photographs, fun tutorial videos and lists of commonly available art supplies. Additional visual art activities and vocabulary help empower you to lead your students to proficiency in the full Common Core Visual Arts Standards.


These projects can be scheduled at your convenience, conducted in your classroom or remotely, synchronously or asynchronously. The fun, collaborative nature of group art exploration strengthens your class's sense of community and helps alleviate "Zoom fatigue" for teachers and students alike. We all know that engagement, of both educators and learners, is a key component of effective pedagogy. This is it. Let's go!


This PDF contains active links.


This item is a paid digital download from AlamedaArts.Com and is protected by U.S. copyright laws and is intended for use in only one class (physical or online) per school year.  Redistributing, editing, selling, and/or posting this item (or any original content therein), in physical or digital form, are all strictly prohibited without the written permission of Alameda Arts.  Violators may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties.

    Educators Collection - Pre-K: Six Common Core Art Projects in PDF

    $25.00 Regular Price
    $20.00Sale Price
      • STACKED ANIMALS - A another way to use simple drawings to create narratives that may confirm or confound expectations.
      • OVERLAPPING CIRCLES -  By tracing circular objects, students begin to explore the relationships between shapes and patterns.  Using varied coloring media, they create both abstract and expressionistic views of the world around them.
      • MIXED MEDIA CANVAS - Painting, printing, collaging, appropriating other images - all of these separate forms of artistic expression come together in one piece.  The choices made are reflective of the artist.
      • STRETCHY BUGS - Simple drawings are transformed as students explore how to not just create visuai imagery, but to manipulate it.
      • TIN FOIL DRAWINGS - Students expand on their experiences from Overlapping Cirles through the introduction of a vivid, new medium.  The freedom to fully create their own shapes and patterns promotes even greater expressionism.
      • PAPER PUPPETS - Students create paper hand puppets, revealing some of the characters inhabiting their imaginations.  The collaborative effort of presenting plays and shared storytelling strengthen a sense of community, especially during distance learning.


      If you are interested in purchasing the art supplies needed for these projects, please contact Ms. Hazel & Ms. Kate at Alameda Arts.

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